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About TNSP

TNSP looks to support composers, writers and performers by creating a space in which new forms of song, literature and performance connect with the common goal of expressing the emotions and artistic expressions of our neo contemporary society. 

TNSP has clear goals:

  • Support composers and writers by paying them for new commissions that speak to the contemporary human. 

  • Create a safe space for composers, writers and performers to explore and expand in their craft. 

  • Bring renowned composers, performers, writers and influential characters of the music and literature industries to discuss, debate and educate our artists. 

  • Provide our community with good quality, empathetic and contemporary songs and performances to keep growing the awareness and love for music and storytelling. 

  • Partner with local schools, universities and art organizations to showcase local artists.


TNSP's founder, Federico De Michelis, began his music journey as a young kid, listening to his father's albums. From Chick Corea to Piazzolla, from Willie Colon and Ruben Blades to Luis Alberto Spinetta and Jose Alfredo Jimenez, by the age of 13 he had a good idea of what music meant for him and the role it would play in his life. 

As a teenager he joined the Escuela de Música Popular de Avellaneda in Buenos Aires, where he began his studies of Jazz and Latinamerican Folk Piano in addition to music theory, history, counterpoint and more. 

Later on he studied voice and entered the Opera Studio of the Teatro Argentino de La Plata, where he sung his first operatic roles and fell in love with the importance of theater and story telling. 

In 2012 he received a scholarship to study in the prestigious Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofia. He received the Outstanding Student award from the Queen Sofia herself. 

In 2015 he joined the Opera Studio of Houston Grand Opera. He's been working as a freelance singer, curator  and performer since then. 

Today, his efforts are put in The New Song Project, the intent of which is to create new pieces, spaces, genres and experiences that speak to today's postmodern audience.






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